You don't have to go too far from Lerici to get more elbow room, but if Jim was going to have a longer commute, we wanted to find someplace special. As soon as we cast the house-hunting net a little wider, we found that special place near Falcinello, a hill town outside the city of Sarzana. Like all of the hill towns in this area (and there are many), Falcinello is stunningly beautiful from a distance and quaint up close.
The drive to the house was mesmerizing. We turned off the main road onto a small side road that leads to Falcinello. Then, we turned off the side road onto what I would call "a lane" and started climbing. Fifteen minutes and 13 switchbacks later, we came to the end of the road. The owner, who was in the car with us, was slightly nauseous from the windy road, which might explain why she is renting the house. At one of the tightest switchbacks, the real estate agent had to back up half way through the switchback to make the turn. Of course, many would find this drive unthinkable on a daily basis, but Jim and I were fascinated. Just driving to and from the house would be an adventure!

At the end of the road, the house sits on the crest of a hill with distant views of the Mediterranean and expansive views of the countryside. It has pine trees on one side and olive trees on the other. We saw signs of owl and wild boar. The property was so peaceful compared to the bustle of Lerici.

And then there was the house: a turn-of-the-century stone farmhouse that has been lovingly restored by the granddaughter of the former owner. The house is just the right size (2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, living area, dining room, large kitchen, sitting room, garage, and cantina, which is a small room in the basement that seems like it should store wine). Outside there is a wide terrace that is shaded by the house from the afternoon sun. Jim and I didn't debate the house for long.
Everything about it felt right and although it was a bit remote, it was full of the Italian character that we hoped we would find. Will the reality of Casa Falcinello live up to our dreams? We'll find out after we move in July 1.
This home looks amazing. What an exciting adventure in its own right! I am POSITIVE that you will enjoy it and feel like you have lived in Italy your whole life!